Jamie’s Music Club provides private tuition for acoustic and electric guitar, bass guitar and ukulele, as well as after school clubs and workshops for guitar and ukulele across Surrey and
South East England.

We also aim to bring together young musicians of all abilities through workshops and jam sessions, to put into practice what they have been learning through tuition, and most of all to have fun making music.
You can sign up for information on the latest workshops by emailing
jamiesmusicclub@gmail.com and by following us on Facebook.

Jamie's Ukulele Club 2016-17

Our one off ukulele workshops are ideal for schools, businesses, adult education centres and community groups and can be tailored to your requirements. Whether for a day or across a themed week, it's a great chance to try out this popular little instrument, and our classes are always fun and engaging.
Email Jamie via jamiesmusicclub@gmail.com
or call on 07973 154908.
Whether you are learning through Jamie’s Music Clubs or through tuition elsewhere, sign up for information on upcoming workshops and
jam sessions by emailing us, and subscribe to our YouTube channel to get the latest tutorials.
You can also follow Jamie’s Music Club on Facebook to recieve all the latest news and updates.
Get in touch via email or call Jamie on 07973 154908.